The Innovation Leader in Hot Water Recirculation Systems. Hot Water Recirculation Systems for hot water tanks, tankless systems, indoor or outdoor, on demand or timer, dedicated return line or single line systems, retrofit and new construction.
Hot Water with Recirculation Systems offer the comfort and savings of Instant Hot Water with Recirculation.
The Problem: How long do you wait for hot water when you turn on the faucet? 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 or 3 minutes, longer? While you wait, a home with 5 taps can waste up to 15,000 gallons of tempered water down the drain. You pay for this potable water, wasted energy and sewage fees. A hot water recirculation system can help!
The Solution: When you install a proven, award winning AquaMotion hot water recirculation system you get a variety of benefits including hot water comfort at every faucet. No more waiting, save thousands of gallons of water a year! There is a system is available for every type of installation, hot water tanks or tankless, indoor or outdoor, on demand, dedicated return line or single line system. Read more about Hot Water Recirculation.
The Benefits: With a hot water recirculation system, you get hot water comfort at every faucet, you save time with "no more waiting" hot water and you save lots of water! You can save 12,000 – 15,000 gallons of water per year, so you save energy, utility and sewer bills, you save money. Save energy with a timer system and save even more with an "ON DEMAND" System. You can go green and help conserve the precious water resource. An AquaMotion Hot Water Recirculation system can also meet your local plumbing codes.
The Cost: To run the circulator with timer at $0.12 per kw is approx. $3.00, $8.00 for the large pump annually. Our hot water recirculation kits have an approx. one to three year payback depending on the size of the installation.
The AquaMotion product line include single speed, three speed PSC (Permanent Split Capacitor) and variable speed ECM (Electronically Commutated) pumps in cast iron and stainless steel, booster pumps that boost domestic water pressure by 30 psi to all fixtures, and instant hot water recirculation systems. We also have eco-cartridges and flange products available.
AquaMotion pumps are assembled and tested 100% in our Warwick, RI, USA plant and is covered by nine US patents and two Canadian. All pumps are UL, ULC, or ETL and NSF listed and covered by a 3-year limited warranty on circulators and 1-year for booster pumps, bypass valves, and accessories. AquaMotion products are sold through Heating and Plumbing Wholesalers and online retailers.